Land For: SK Shikhar Green
Sector: Jhalwa
City: Jhalwa, Allahabad, U P
State: Jhalwa, Allahabad, U P
Price Upon Request: ₹20 Lac
Land Status: Ready to move
Land Area: Plot area 1000 (92.9 sq.m
Ownership: Freehold
Property ID : BHLK00112
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Land For: Residential Land
Sector: Jhalwa, Allahabad, U P
City: Jhalwa, Allahabad, U P
State: Jhalwa, Allahabad, U P
Price Upon Request: ₹3.49 Lac
Land Status: Ready to move
Land Area: Plot area 450 (41.81 sq.m
Ownership: Freehold
Property ID : BHLK00113
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Land For: Residential Land
Sector: Jhalwa
City: Allahabad, U P
State: Allahabad, U P
Price Upon Request: 34 Lac
Land Status: Ready to move
Land Area: Plot area 1800 (167.23 sq
Ownership: Freehold
Property ID : BHLK00114
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Land For: Residential Land
Sector: Jhalwa, Allahabad, U P
City: Jhalwa, Allahabad, U P
State: Jhalwa, Allahabad, U P
Price Upon Request: ₹10 Lac
Land Status: Ready to move
Land Area: Plot area 900 (83.61 sq.m
Ownership: Freehold
Property ID : BHLK00115
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Land For: Residential Land
Sector: Tagore town, Allahabad,
City: Tagore town, Allahabad,
State: Tagore town, Allahabad,
Price Upon Request: ₹27 Lac
Land Status: Ready to move
Land Area: Plot area 20 (16.72 sq.m.
Ownership: Freehold
Property ID : BHLK00116
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