

  • House Type
  • Sector
    M Block
  • City
    South Delhi
  • State
  • Price Upon Request
  • Property Type
  • Property Area
    650 Sq Yard
  • Bedroom
  • Bathroom
  • Total Price
    15 Crore
  • Approved By
  • Price per unit
    15 Cr/ Floor


House Type : Plot

Sector : M Block

City : South Delhi

State : Delhi

Price Upon Request : Yes

Property Type : F

Property Area : 650 Sq Yard

Bedroom : 4

Bathroom : 4

Embark on a journey of bespoke living with this prime property in the coveted M Block of Delhi. Spanning across 650 sq yards, this residence offers a canvas for your dream home. With the price available upon request, the allure of this address lies in its exclusivity and the potential to tailor it to your unique vision. Secure your slice of luxury in the heart of Delhi's esteemed M Block.

For Location Details. Please Send Enquiry
House Type: Floor
Sector: South Ex 2
City: New Delhi
State: Delhi
Price Upon Request: Yes
Property Type: Residential
Property Area: 251 Sq Yard
Bedroom: 4
Bathroom: 3
Property ID : BHLK00019
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For Location Details. Please Send Enquiry
House Type: Floor
Sector: Navjeevan Vihar
City: New Delhi
State: Delhi
Price Upon Request: On Call
Property Type: House
Property Area: 2150 Sq ft
Bedroom: 4
Bathroom: 3
Property ID : BHLK00024
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For Location Details. Please Send Enquiry
House Type: Plot
Sector: Panchsheel Park, New Delh
City: South Delhi
State: Delhi
Price Upon Request: On Request
Property Type: Plot
Property Area: 311 Sq Yard
Bedroom: 5
Bathroom: 4
Property ID : BHLK00037
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For Location Details. Please Send Enquiry
House Type: Floor
Sector: Jorbagh
City: South Delhi
State: Delhi
Price Upon Request: Yes
Property Type: f
Property Area: 550 Sq Yard
Bedroom: 6
Bathroom: 5
Property ID : BHLK00038
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