

  • Land For
    Residential Land
  • Sector
    Shikargarh, Jodhpur, Rajasthan
  • City
    Jodhpur, Rajasthan
  • State
    Shikargarh, Jodhpur, Rajasthan
  • Price Upon Request
    ₹9.5 Lac
  • Land Status
    Ready to move
  • Land Area
    Plot area 150 (13.94 sq.m.) sq.ft.
  • Ownership
  • Total Price
    ₹9.5 Lac
  • Approved By
    Local Authority
  • Price per unit
    6,333 per sq.ft.


Land For : Residential Land

Sector : Shikargarh, Jodhpur, Rajasthan

City : Jodhpur, Rajasthan

State : Shikargarh, Jodhpur, Rajasthan

Price Upon Request : ₹9.5 Lac

Land Status : Ready to move

Land Area : Plot area 150 (13.94 sq.m.) sq.ft.

Ownership : Freehold

Property Listing Overview


Address: Shikargarh, Jodhpur, Rajasthan

Plot Details:

Area: 150 sq. ft. (13.94 sq. m.)

Price: ₹9.5 Lac (@ ₹6,333 per sq. ft.)

Property Features:

Possession: Immediate

Boundary Wall: Yes

Ownership: Freehold

Transaction Type: Resale

Additional Information:

Looking for a buyer for a strategically located plot in Shikargarh, Jodhpur. This plot is available for sale at a price of ₹9.5 lacs and comes with immediate possession. It's a freehold property, ensuring complete ownership and control. Ideal for buyers seeking property in a prominent area of Jodhpur.

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This listing offers a valuable opportunity to own a piece of land in the vibrant locality of Shikargarh, perfect for both investment and development purposes.

For Location Details. Please Send Enquiry
Land For: Residential Land
Sector: Bhakrasni, Jodhpur, Raja
City: Bhakrasni, Jodhpur, Raja
State: Bhakrasni, Jodhpur, Raja
Price Upon Request: ₹20 Lac
Land Status: Ready to move
Land Area: Plot area 157 (131.27 sq.
Ownership: Leasehold
Property ID : BHLK00162
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For Location Details. Please Send Enquiry
Land For: Residential Land
Sector: Chokha, Jodhpur, Rajastha
City: Jodhpur, Rajasthan
State: Chokha, Jodhpur, Rajastha
Price Upon Request: ₹21 Lac
Land Status: Ready to move
Land Area: Plot area 310 (259.2 sq.m
Ownership: freehold
Property ID : BHLK00163
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For Location Details. Please Send Enquiry
Land For: Residential Land
Sector: C0225 sushant city jodhpu
City: Jodhpur, Rajasthan
State: Jodhpur, Rajasthan
Price Upon Request: ₹12 Lac
Land Status: Ready to move
Land Area: Plot area 178.38 (149.15
Ownership: Freehold
Property ID : BHLK00165
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