

  • Land For
    Residential Land
  • Sector
    Chandigarh Royale City, Zirakpur
  • City
    Chandigarh Royale City, Zirakpur
  • State
    Chandigarh, Punjab
  • Price Upon Request
    ₹41.69 Lac
  • Land Status
    Ready to move
  • Land Area
    Plot area 990 (91.97 sq.m.) l x b : 45.00 ft.(13.72 mt.) x 22.00 ft.(6.71 mt.)
  • Ownership
  • Total Price
    ₹41.69 Lac
  • Approved By
  • Price per unit
    4,211 per sq.ft.


Land For : Residential Land

Sector : Chandigarh Royale City, Zirakpur

City : Chandigarh Royale City, Zirakpur

State : Chandigarh, Punjab

Price Upon Request : ₹41.69 Lac

Land Status : Ready to move

Land Area : Plot area 990 (91.97 sq.m.) l x b : 45.00 ft.(13.72 mt.) x 22.00 ft.(6.71 mt.)

Ownership : Freehold

Plot Details and Features:

Land For: Residential Land
Sector: Zirakpur, Chandigarh
City: Zirakpur, Chandigarh
State: Punjab
Price Upon Request: ₹28.98 Lac
Land Status: Ready to move
Land Area: Plot area 107.33 (89.74 s
Ownership: Freehold
Property ID : BHLK00151
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Land For: Residential Land
Sector: Chandigarh Royale City, Z
City: Chandigarh Royale City, Z
State: Punjab
Price Upon Request: ₹68.2 Lac
Land Status: Ready to move
Land Area: Plot area 200 (167.23 sq.
Ownership: Freehold
Property ID : BHLK00152
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Land For: Residential Land
Sector: Zirakpur, Chandigarh
City: Zirakpur, Chandigarh
State: Punjab
Price Upon Request: ₹44.5 Lac
Land Status: Under Construction
Land Area: Plot area 100 (83.61 sq.m
Ownership: Freehold
Property ID : BHLK00154
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